Trinity (Poem)

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Author:  Kylie Welch

  Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that's what the Bible says.
3 persons in 1, didn't you know God always leads the way.
Whether you feel in trouble or strife, or if your feeling sad,
You can always call on your Heavenly Father, I like to call him Dad.
HE will pick you up and brush you off, and you'll never feel ashamed.
HIS love for us is pure and clear, never causing pain.
It's hard to imagine in a world so harsh, that a kind of love exists.
That is given freely to all who ask, love and kindness mixed.
HE truly is the one to seek if ever you're in need.
I guarantee that with a pure heart, when you call you will succeed.
So please my friend, when you're feeling down, please don't get upset.
There's a special friend for all of us... I hope that you have met.

His name is Jesus.

Author:  Kylie Welch

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