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A Little Child Shall Lead Them

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by Sharon Culbertson

     As I got up from my knees in the tiny chapel of the children's hospital I felt as though I had left the weight of the world there beside that little prayer rail. What was it?  What was it really?  Is it actually possible that the Creator of the Universe was speaking to a plain, ordinary housewife?  Yes.  It was true!  As I cried out to the Lord on behalf of our new daughter --He had answered the cry of my heart and had washed me in His Peace that passes all understanding.

     It had begun two weeks earlier when I had given birth, 3 months early, to our 5th child.  She was smaller than tiny --she was pink and had loads of thick dark brown hair and she had weighed 2 lbs. 10 oz., we named her Courtney.   But that was 2 weeks ago..  Today, she weighed only I lb. 15 oz. and she seemed even more vulnerable than she did in the delivery room.

     This day had begun as the others since Courtney's birth. Get up, and try and help the other 4 children and take off for the hospital. I always hated walking into the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) each morning. I never knew quite what I would find.

     This morning was really no different. There lay our tiny 2 lb. daughter hooked up to wires and tubes everywhere.  After a couple of hours of visiting her alone, Greg (my dear husband) stopped by the hospital to visit us "both".  As we stood there talking to each other all of a sudden all of Courtney's alarms began to sound at once!  That meant she had not only stopped breathing, but her heart had also stopped beating.  Immediately, something like 8 - 10 doctors and nurses began to "work" on her.  Greg and I stood on the other side of the room for many minutes, just holding on the one another sobbing.  As soon as the 1st alarm went off and I began to realize what was happening, I cried out to the Lord.  "Oh, God, Please don't let us loose her!  Please, don't let us lose her."  Over and over that is all I could say, pray, think, whatever, until ... I sensed deep within my heart a still small voice say, "You can not lose her."  I heard this over and over 3 times before it began to sink in.  There was such comfort yet such authority in this voice that I couldn't help but believe the words yet ... I didn't understand them, for our daughter had been dead and revived several times.  How could this voice tell me we couldn't lose her.

     I finally said, "I don't understand, she was gone and they got her back."  Then the voice said, "No, you don't understand.  You can not lose this child because she's not yours.  She is mine and you can not lose something you've never owned to begin with."  That very moment He washed me in His beautiful peace that passes all understanding, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.

     A couple of weeks alter He reminded me how many of us go through this life and we are so concerned about losing -- ones -- jobs homes and things -- AND NONE OF IT IS OURS.

     It all belongs to Him!!!

P.S.  Because of Courtney's birth, my dear husband finally began to become aware of the Things of God.

Courtney Renee' Culbertson has turned into a very beautiful young lady. She is saved, serving the Lord and loves Jesus.

She not only survived, which the doctors had doubted, but she is in the top 99% of her class, they said she would probably be retarded or something because when she was born. her brain hemorrhaged. She is a straight A student in the Gifted Program.


 by Sharon Culbertson

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