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Grace's Miracles

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John D Hughes, Jr.
Dublin, Ohio

“It must be about 3:30 AM again,” I thought to myself as I awakened from a deep sleep.  The wrenching stomach pain was again making its nightly rounds.  For the past month, since losing my job, I had been awakened each night by a whisper reminding me that I wasn’t earning income for my family.  The painful reminder of failing my family once again sent chills throughout my body freezing me in sudden terror.  This time though, it was 4:30 AM.  No consolation for the recurring reminder and sorrowful pain.

Each night as this happened, my prayer was similar and simple, as I tried to comfort myself back to sleep – “Father, may your will be done with my career and job search.  I pray that you send me wherever you need me to go, to be whatever you need me to be, to do whatever you need me to do and to say whatever you need me to say.  I am yours and all I have is yours.  Please use me.  Amen.” 

On this particular night, however, my feelings were stronger and deeper than simply praying for his will.  After a particularly hurtful and disappointing day of job hunting and networking, I needed something more than just his will.  I was awoken suddenly to pray for a miracle!  I think I can honestly say I don’t pray for personal miracles often.  I pray for miracles almost daily in other people’s lives, in our national and world leadership and even in the lives of people I’ve never met.

This time was different though.  I felt alone.  At the end of my ability to cope with the silence and emptiness.  I felt without hope.  “I need a miracle.  That’s the only way,” I told myself in that dark room, with my eyes wide open, with nothing to see.

Then something happened I wasn’t expecting.  I suddenly and literally felt selfish.  Guilty of gluttony.  With rapid-fire poignancy, and without effort, I was instantly remembering the miracles He has lavished me with throughout my life.  Even miracles I experienced growing up in a non-believing home, when He was calling and I wasn’t answering.

The remembrance of miracles poured through me.  “John, he found you.  You are saved.  You have three very special children through the miracle of birth.  Do you remember that your son was born weighing less than two pounds?  You have a wonderful wife and marriage.  Your father is saved.  Your mother was saved before her death . . . .” 

That powerful even spiritual flow of thoughts poured through me for what seemed like hours.  I was frozen speechless and thoughtless except for the barrage of God-affirming miracles.

Some were small, some large, but the miracles continued to flow.  The selfish feelings of my original request for another miracle subsided and I was left with a peace and a reminder of His joy in my life.  Two emotions I had never experienced before I knew him.  I guess that’s two more miracles through His grace.

 John D Hughes, Jr.
Dublin, Ohio

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