Fresh Start - Beginning Studies on Basic
Christian Principles
Now that you are saved what's
next??? It is the Lord Jesus' desire that you grow in the knowledge of him. Or
maybe you are thinking about accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour and you need more
knowledge on salvation and the bible to make a decision.
Bible place has designed a series of lessons (below) for NEW CONVERTS,
SEEKING SALVATION. These lessons are simple to follow and full of scriptures.
They provide a scriptural study on subjects that are fundamental to a strong
Christian faith. (More lessons are being written and will be posted
on such topics as prayer, faith, and gifts and callings....)
These lesson are laid out
in an order that we recommend that you study them in. The 1st lesson will help you
select a bible and get you started on a daily reading routine. The 2nd Lesson
will help you to understand what the bible says about salvation. This is vital
information that will help strengthen your salvation in God. The next lessons answer
some of the questions that believers are faced with upon becoming saved: Should I be
baptized? Should I fast? How should I pray? What should I do in the church? etc.
We pray that you are
blessed and strengthened in your faith by the knowledge that you will gain from these